Daily Support
At Eleutheria Center, we understand that every child is unique and that no one journey is the same as another. Some children need little-to-no support to flourish, and some children need extra attention and time to truly meet their full potential.
At Eleutheria Center, we accommodate daily, in-center sessions to help those children and families who require that extra level of support. Each child’s unique Educational Plan will dictate the goals they will be working towards each day in-center as well as the recommended number of hours for them to attend.
We can support children and parents with as little as one-hour daily, or as much as five-hours daily. This will completely depend upon the child’s needs, goals, and parents abilities.
Daily support would likely be recommended and suited for learners who:
– Are displaying red flags of Autism
– Have received a formal diagnosis of Autism or any other developmental disorder
– Are having difficulties meeting their developmental milestones across multiple areas
– Have challenging behaviors that are impeding their daily life
– Are not quite ready for nursery or school and need that extra push to prepare them
Weekly Support
With every child on their own unique, journey of growth, at Eleutheria Center we are here to help those who seem to need only a little push to truly flourish.
At Eleutheria Center, we accommodate weekly, in-center sessions to help those children and families who require only a little support. Each child’s unique Educational Plan will dictate the goals they will be working towards each week in-center as well as the recommended number of hours for them to attend.
We can support children and parents with as little as one-hour weekly, or a few hours once weekly. This will completely depend upon the child’s needs, goals, and parents abilities.
Weekly support would likely be recommended and suited for learners who:
– Are having difficulties meeting their developmental milestones in one specific area
– Have minor challenging behaviors that are preventing them for truly achieving their best
Remote Support
Whilst we love working hands on with our families, we understand that it is not always feasible for families to attend in-center services. We also desire to help those outside of Dubai, across the world.
Our online support will be customised to meet your’s and your little one’s needs. We aim to equip you with all the skills you will need to help your child, for life. Whether you need support with developing your child’s language, teaching them new skills, helping them manage their emotions better – we will guide you day by day.
You will have access to online meetings with our team of professionals, and unlimited, remote step-by-step support. Our team of professionals will be on hand [virtually] to provide feedback, answer questions, and meet with you daily. We will take you through a quick and simple assessment of your child’s strengths and weaknesses, to tailor a specific teaching and Educational Plan just for them.
Whether that be focused on sleeping, toileting, feeding, behavior, or any other area of development. You will be set up with a unique program to follow, showing you the specific goals to be focusing on teaching your child, all with video tutorials and support as required.
Remote support would likely be recommended and suited for learners who:
– Are unable to attend in-center sessions
We completely understand that sometimes all you may need is a little guidance to set you off on the right path. Whether you need some support with sleeping, toileting, feeding, behavior, or any other area of development, or team is here to help you.
You can book in a one-off consultation with our Clinical Psychologist-BCBA or our Performance Nutritionist to help set you off for success.